Tag: psychology

Language Communication

As it fortifies that this new conception leads to a necessary destranscendentalizao of the reason, through which the language if manifest in particular languages and histories and for these characteristics it does not allow that it has a strict separation between the transcendental and the empiricist. To follow the dinamicidade of the language, the linguistic make use of the descriptive grammar, in which the rules and principles are presented that inform the people as to create and to understand the use of the elocutions in its language (DAVIDOFF, 2001). It is through this media that the human being initiates many times its cognition regarding the language, with its rules and concepts, establishing of this form half specific of if expressing in definitive social groups. The basic role played by the language is analyzed as form of communication, interaction and externalizao of the thought, is impracticable to imagine psychology without the use of this cognitivo process. The language is the main used tool for the psychologist. The language if modifies throughout the time, and each society possesss its proper language that is constituted socially. The psychological language suffered many influences in elapsing of its history that it initiated with the philosophy and later with the three great schools in psychology, estruturalismo, bureaucracy and associationism and for the main boardings, psychoanalysis, mannering humanismo and (BOCK; STOLEN; TEIXEIRA, 2005).

Psychology possesss a theoretical diversity? decurrent metodolgica of its boardings that constituiram it a specific language historically. Each boarding to possess linguistic terms that are used for the psychologists differentiating these boardings and the way to understand and to help the human being, and consequentemente this diversity of terms influences in the communication, mainly in the communication between the proper psychologists. BOARDINGS TERICO-METODOLGICAS psychology became science from its ' ' libertao' ' of the Philosophy, where new studious and searching they had started to produce new standards of knowledge production, through the definition of object of study and delimitation of its field of study, as well as the formularization of methods and theories of study regarding this object.

The Child

All this revolution inside of Psychology if gave from the gerativistas and transformacionalistas ideas of Chomsky and its sequazes. In any way, the subject, disciplines or it, is of great importance for who is worried with the problem of the language, its evolution (learning or acquisition), its pathological behavior and its problems. The THOUGHT AND the LANGUAGE the PERCEPTION, the CONCEPTS AND the SYMBOLS As the thought and the language narrowly are joined in its users, are necessary that the possible interferences that one of them can have on the other, as well as the way are analyzed for which they become related. In its book, Methodology of the Language, J. Budin teaches: ' ' It has innumerable experiences whose objective is to know the extension of the infantile mental representations. Objects and figures can be presented to the child in order to verify if it knows to give nomes.&#039 to them; ' These experiences are made thus because it assumes that the concepts, the thought, the perception and the language are elements that if find on narrowly between itself. What, by the way, it does not leave of being truth. However, it is fact already known that ' ' the knowledge of a pertaining to school are, in rule, greaters of what its capacity of exprimiz them verbalmente.' ' From the perception he is that the child formulates its first and more elementary concepts, representing the objects for the thought (that, probably is previous to the language), by means of its general characteristics. Again it is Budin that will support in them with its words: ' ' The infantile concepts limit it the ones that the child makes to objects and what the objects produce in it. Only after learning to speak it includes in its concepts other people’s experiences, fact that only processes lentamente.' ' What it is understandable, given the complexity of the language.