Many attitudes are being thought to mainly change the vision of the Mathematics in the schools, that always were considered terror for the pupils. It is natural to find a student who has difficulty in the learning of the mathematics with regard to the others, however much of the times the ones that have more affinity with the mathematics obtain to also get success in other substances and consequentemente they happen a good relationship with the professors. The difficulties found for pupils and professors in what it says respect to the teach-learning of the mathematics are several and well-known. In the case of the pupil, it does not obtain to understand the mathematics that is transmitted to it in the school, then, from comes there to the reprovao, it only wants either in this disciplines, or one all where also it can detach the mathematics as integrant part of this failure, or then, exactly that approved it will feel diverse difficulties to apply its acquired knowledge. Already for the professor, many times conscientious not to obtain to reach its objective, that is the learning of the pupil, being generated resulted unsatisfactory, tend to perfect its method still more of education through meeting, conferences or even though courses of professional qualification to find new elements that it searchs consequentemente to improve its performance in classroom and the vision of the pupil stops with the mathematics. 3 ‘ ‘ X’ ‘ OF QUESTION 3,1 mathematical Language Is very common commentaries regarding the mathematics as being possessing of an abstract language or even though of difficult understanding for the pupils of the basic education, motivated fact, many times for its degree of complexity, however we know that this same language possesss proper characteristics. Many found difficulties to read and to understand a text that if it uses of the mathematical language, in turn can are correlated to a deficiency acquired in the initial series, where the pupil in turn did not have the chance to decide operations of a concrete form or he was not come across with resolutions of problems of ampler form.
April 21, 2019